6 MORE Witchy Apps to Love

A few years ago, I decided I wanted to write about some of my favorite witchy apps that I use to stay connected. You can find that post here.

Since then, I have gone through so many more apps and so many more have come out into the market. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing how many people are being more conscious, but I still feel like people are not yet consciously consuming, especially when it comes to social media (and don't for one minute think that I'm any better!)

In the past few years, I have noticed more apps coming out that focus on the spiritual or conscious lifestyle, which is fan- fuckin-tabulous! But not all of the apps that are out there are truly worth it.

Today, I want to talk about some of the newer lifestyle apps that you should definitely give a try if you're walking a more spiritual and connected path.

Saged App

Saged is a great all-around app for those wanting to add more mysticism and spirituality to their lives. This app is really fun to use and has some great info on it. It has a library full of meditations, masterclasses, astrology, moon circles, and other moon work, Spirit Guides, Tarot Card Reading, and more.

It boasts a 4.8-star rating on the Apple App store and it has a really big focus on building a community.  They offer live classes, daily practices, self-care tools, chakra clearing and so much more.

Saged offers a free 7-day trial for their app, otherwise, there is a monthly subscription fee of $12. If you pay upfront for a year, it’s only $99. The good thing is that you can use a decent handful of features without having to pay for premium, even after a 7-day trial.


  • Lots of good information

  • Community Based

  • Good all around mystical, spiritual app.


  • Monthly paywall

*I note that having to pay for something is a con, because for most people that is a turn-off for an app. But I feel that if the creators of the app spent their time and energy creating these wonderful apps, they should expect payment for their service. Energy is not free, although many people think it is.


The CHANI app is something that I have enjoyed for a while now. I read her astrology book, You Were Born for This, and I loved her down to earth way she spoke about astrology. This app is no different.

Each week there is an update on the main page with a tarot card reading and astrology highlights for the week. You can also access your personalized natal astrology chart. In the premium version, you can unlock your entire chart, but for free, you can read about your sun, moon, and rising.

The app also offers workshops and astrology transits, but they’re only for premium users.

This is an app that I keep on my phone all the time because the information is well worded and easy to quickly understand for anyone. It doesn’t feel like she is just using templates for the planets either. (This is a peeve that I have with CoStar).

As for the monthly cost, this app is $11.99 a month or $107.99 a year (making it $8.99 a month). There is a 3-day trial period, but that is only available after you enter your payment.

The company does distribute 5% of its total revenue to Black, Latinx, Native/indigenous, Queer, and/or Trans survivors using Free From.

For more information about the app, check out Chani’s website here.


  • Easy to understand

  • Not scripted

  • Simple and easy to use.


  • Limited use without payment


This is an app that is super simple, but really helpful. Stardust is a period tracker, but I feel like it’s the most intuitive tracker that I have found yet. I’m pretty sure that I mentioned this app in my previous witchy app post a few years ago. But I am still loving the app.

I love that you are given a few interesting factoids about your period and the type of witch that it makes you. I am a White Witch, as my period begins in the New Moon period of the moon cycle.

It also gives me a little bit of a daily horoscope, based on where my hormones are in my cycle. This lined up with a bit about the days astrology that they have is wonderful.

It definitely helps me navigate my hormones and my cycles.

If you’ve tried this app, tell me what type of witch you are in the comments below!


  • Simple

  • Fun to Use

  • No nonsense


  • Could be a little more in depth with symptom trackers or have a way to sort by symptoms.


Moonly is an app that I see when I scroll through Instagram all the time (by the way, are you following me? @faerellia). They offer moon guidance, affirmations, wisdom, and meditations.

I find that their library of articles is a little bit small for my liking. I’m typically an avid consumer of blog posts. And honestly, I am not a fan that their “articles” are in swipe story format. Yeah, it’s cool and different, but it’s just not my style.

Each day they have a horoscope for the moon that includes the sign it’s in, the significance of the day of the week, the 2 different parts of the day according to Sidereal astrology, and a few items that are good to focus on today, like getting a hair cut, or your nutrition.

It is also one of the few apps that uses Runes instead of tarot or oracle card readings for their cosmic guidance.

Moonly has a 3-day free trial period and then it’s either $3.99 a month, $19.99 a year or $39.99 for lifetime access. The lifetime access isn’t a bad deal, TBH.

If you’re looking for an app that doesn’t focus on the mainstream Tropical Zodiac, this is a good option for you.


  • Moon based living guidance

  • Sidereal Astrology

  • Runes


  • Story formatted articles

  • Sidereal Astrology

  • Small library of articles


If you’re looking for a conscious app that will keep you connected to the moon’s cycles AND your #boss goals? Moonifest is just that.

Moonifest gives you guidance based on the phase of the moon and how that part of the cycle can help you manifest your goals.

Each New Moon, you set a new intention and Moonifest helps you align your life with those goals and stay on track.

They also offer a free guide on Setting New Moon Intentions on their website if you need help setting your first goal.

This app is completely free- except for the energy that your going to have to start putting into your intentions. 😊


  • Free App

  • Helps keep you on track

  • SImple and Easy


  • It's free, you can't really have too many complaints.

My Human Design App

This app is something new for me and I decided I wanted to try it out. Learning that Human Design takes Astrology, Chakras, Kabbalah, I’Ching, Myers-Briggs, biochemistry, and genetics. To me, it’s like the full whammy, so I thought I would download this app and give it a try.

My first impression wasn’t the best, as a lot of things seem very limited. You get you chart and all of the boxes are filled in for you to view, but the descriptions about what that gateway means is locked.

My Human Design has a $4.99 monthly subscription if you want to have access to more of your chart. In addition, the paid premium will get you access to take voice notes and have a friends list.

For free, you do get access to daily tips and guidance as well as a handful of mediations that are found on the main page.

Overall, the app isn’t bad. It gives me an overview of my chart and a starting point for me to research more into Human Design. I feel like the big draw for this app is the audio files that they have so that you can listen to the parts of your design instead of reading them. This is a common theme that I have found on some of the Human Design websites.


  • Shows your full Human Design Chart (this is kind of hard to find for free online)

  • Some basic information about your chart is viewable for free


  • Basic information locked behind paywall

  • Lacking on features

Alright, so those are just some of the witchy apps that I have on my phone right now. Goddess knows that it won't be all of them. But as new apps come out that I think are totally worth it, I will update these posts to let you guys know!

And hey! If you've tried any of these apps, or have some good recommendations for other witches, leave them down below.

Help a witch out..


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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