How to Find the Cause of Depression and Anxiety with a Tarot Spread

Depression and anxiety can get the best of all of us at times. It helps to know some of the causes that are bringing you down that may not be apparent to you at the time.  This is where your tarot cards may be able to help.  This reading can help you identify some of the underlying causes of your anxiety or depression.  

Please be aware that this tarot spread is not meant to replace professional help and should only be used in times of temporary depression and anxiety.

Please seek help when it is needed. Tarot is a tool to unlock inner guidance, not to replace professional help.

Sample Reading

Card 1 - Circumstances- The Sun- It’s time to make a change, you’re ready to start anew with clarity. You now know what you want. It is the light after the darkness. The darkness is fading and the sun is shining through.

Card 2 - Cause of Depression- The Star- Inspiration is there, but you are overwhelmed by it Honing it in and refining it is where you are having issues. Hopes and dreams are present to start something again.

Card 3- Who Can Help- 3 of Wands-Creative projects are out there and some have been started, each bigger than the last. However, the need to start a new one is here and finding where to start is the problem.

Card 4- Step 1 to overcome- King of Wands-don’t be afraid to start out on new and risky paths. Take chances, live life. Do something inspiring to you. Don’t be stuck where you are.

Card 5- Step 2 to overcome-Temperance-Bringing both side together promotes harmony and inner peace. Find your two side and find a balance between the two extremes. This is where you will find happiness.

Card 6- Step 3 to overcome - The Hanged Man- let go and surrender to experiences and emotional release. Accept what is and give up some of the control that you hold onto.

Check Out Some Other Tarot Spreads:


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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