High Priestess 2/ 11/20 Tarot Birth Card Pattern

Here is my personal interpretation of the Tarot Birth Card Theme of The High Priestess and how it relates to finding Balance through Intuitive Awareness. If you have come across this page and you haven't learned what your tarot birth cards are and how it relates to this pattern, head over to the main post on In Depth Tarot Birth Cards.

Tarot Card Pattern: The High Priestess

How the Pattern is Found

The tarot keys that are included in the Pattern of The High Priestess. Each of these cards can be broken down to a single prime number of 2, which relates it back to The High Priestess.

Justice: Key 11

11= 1+1=2

Judgement: Key 20


Tarot Card Combination: Justice, Judgment, and The High Priestess

Justice (XI)

Justice represents fairness, truth, and balance. It signifies the importance of moral integrity and making decisions based on truth and fairness. This card highlights the consequences of actions and the need for accountability.

Key Themes:

  • Fairness and truth

  • Balance and harmony

  • Moral integrity

  • Accountability

Judgment (XX)

Judgment symbolizes awakening, evaluation, and transformation. It signifies the power of self-assessment and the importance of personal growth. This card emphasizes the value of reckoning with the past and embracing new beginnings.

Key Themes:

  • Awakening and evaluation

  • Transformation and growth

  • Self-assessment

  • New beginnings

The High Priestess (II)

The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. She signifies the power of the subconscious mind and the importance of inner wisdom. This card emphasizes the value of introspection and listening to one's inner voice.

Key Themes:

  • Intuition and inner wisdom

  • Mystery and the subconscious

  • Hidden knowledge

  • Introspection

Combined Meaning

The combination of Justice, Judgment, and The High Priestess suggests a powerful interplay of fairness, transformation, and inner wisdom. This trio indicates a period where decisions must be made with integrity, evaluated with a keen sense of self-awareness, and guided by deep intuition.

Key Messages:

  1. Balanced Decision-Making: Justice emphasizes the need for fairness and moral integrity in your decisions. When combined with The High Priestess's intuition, it suggests that decisions should not only be fair and just but also guided by your inner wisdom. Trust your instincts to navigate complex situations with balance and truth.

  2. Transformative Evaluation: Judgment calls for self-assessment and transformation. When paired with Justice, this indicates that evaluating your past actions and their consequences is crucial for personal growth. The High Priestess adds depth to this process, urging you to look beyond the surface and explore the subconscious motivations behind your actions.

  3. Inner Guidance: The High Priestess's emphasis on hidden knowledge and introspection is crucial in this combination. It suggests that true justice and effective transformation come from a place of inner understanding and wisdom. Embrace introspection to uncover hidden truths that can guide your path toward balance and renewal.

  4. Reckoning and Renewal: This combination highlights the importance of reckoning with past actions (Judgment) and their moral implications (Justice), while also seeking intuitive insights (The High Priestess) for future actions. This process leads to a profound transformation and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

By integrating the energies of Justice, Judgment, and The High Priestess, you are encouraged to navigate your life with a harmonious blend of fairness, self-awareness, and deep intuition. This trio guides you towards making balanced decisions, embracing transformative growth, and seeking inner wisdom to achieve a state of harmony and truth.


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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