How to Find Your Tarot Birth Card

Your tarot birth card or birth card pair is the card/s that represents you as a person, kind of like your zodiac sign.

You have your sun sign, which is how most people see you and then you have your moon sign, which is how you see yourself, or the more authentic you. Birth cards are like that... they're overarching themes in our personality that have been with us since birth.

They tell you things about yourself that have been and will be present all throughout life.

There are 12 tarot birth card pairs. Although there are more than 12 types of people in the world, we can have the same foundations upon which our lives are built.

This building is what creates our individuality. Humans are in essence all built from the same materials, just in different amounts and in different ways. Birth cards are the building blocks, your foundation, but not everything. It's what we add to those foundations that make us authentic and different. I know being different sounds scary, but you don't want to live in a world where everyone is the same, do you?

Being your authentic self is a good thing.

Now, to calculate your birth card pair...

Step 1: Take your birth date and break it down into all two digit numbers

Example: July 25, 1989 can be broken down to 07 25 19 89.

Step 2: Now add these numbers up.

Example: 07+25+19+89=140

Step 3: If this number is a triple-digit, you will need to add the numbers again to get a two-digit number that's less than 21.

Example: 140 = 14 + 0 = 14 (Temperance)

Step 4: This can further be broken down to single digits to get your other half of the pair.

14 = 1 + 4 = 5 (Hierophant)

So my birth card pair is Temperance/ Hierophant.

In Depth Tarot Birth Card Guide

Check out this post to go into more depth about your tarot birth card, your shadow card and your soul’s purpose.

Match up the numbers that you got with the nine patterns below to learn more about your personality, your shadow card, and your souls purpose.

19/ 10 /1 The Magician Pattern

20/ 11 / 2 The High Priestess Pattern

21/ 12 / 3 The Empress Pattern

13 / 4 The Emperor Pattern

14 / 5 The Hierophant Pattern

15 / 6 The Lovers Pattern

16 / 7 The Chariot Pattern

17 / 8 Strength Pattern

18 / 9 The Hermit Pattern

Did you do the math? What is your birth card pair? Tell me in the comments below!


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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