5 Powerful Halloween Spells You Can Cast with Tarot Cards

Halloween is a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest, making it the perfect opportunity to work with tarot cards for magical purposes. Tarot isn’t just for readings—it can be a powerful tool for casting spells, especially those that focus on protection, enhancing intuition, and connecting with the spiritual realm. Here are five simple but effective Halloween spells you can cast with your tarot deck.

1. Protection Spell with The Empress

Purpose: To create a protective shield around yourself or your space.
Card: The Empress.

How to Cast:

  1. Begin by holding The Empress card in your hand. The Empress represents nurturing, abundance, and protection, making her the perfect card for this spell.

  2. Light a white candle to symbolize purity and protection.

  3. Sit quietly and visualize a warm, glowing light surrounding you, like a protective bubble.

  4. Place The Empress card in front of the candle and say:
    “Empress of Earth, strong and true,
    Shield me now in all I do.
    Protect my heart, my mind, my soul,
    Keep me safe and make me whole.”

  5. Let the candle burn for a few minutes as you focus on the protective energy. When you feel ready, extinguish the candle, knowing that you are now surrounded by a protective shield.

2. Intuition-Boosting Spell with The High Priestess

Purpose: To enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.
Card: The High Priestess.

How to Cast:

  1. Place The High Priestess card in front of you—she represents deep intuition, hidden knowledge, and connection to the subconscious.

  2. Light a purple or blue candle, colors associated with intuition and psychic power.

  3. Close your eyes and focus on your third eye (the space between your eyebrows), imagining it glowing with a soft purple light.

  4. Hold The High Priestess card and say:
    “High Priestess, open my mind’s eye,
    Let me see beyond the sky.
    Intuition, flow through me,
    Unlock the door of mystery.”

  5. Keep The High Priestess card on your altar or near your bed to continue enhancing your intuitive abilities throughout the Halloween season.

3. Spirit Communication Spell with The Moon

Purpose: To connect with spirits or loved ones who have passed.
Card: The Moon.

How to Cast:

  1. Choose The Moon card, which represents mystery, intuition, and the hidden realm—perfect for spirit communication.

  2. Light a black candle for protection and a white candle to symbolize the connection with the spirit world.

  3. Place The Moon card between the two candles and sit quietly, allowing your mind to open to any messages or signs from the spiritual realm.

  4. Say:
    “Moon of night, spirits near,
    Open the path, let me hear.
    Guides and loved ones, draw close to me,
    Show your presence, let me see.”

  5. After your meditation, watch for signs, dreams, or feelings that suggest a connection with the spirit world. You can also use this time to ask for guidance or receive messages from loved ones.

4. Banishing Negative Energy Spell with The Tower

Purpose: To remove unwanted or negative energy from your life.
Card: The Tower.

How to Cast:

  1. The Tower card is a symbol of sudden change, upheaval, and clearing away what no longer serves you—making it perfect for a banishing spell.

  2. Light a black candle to represent banishment and protection.

  3. Hold The Tower card and visualize the negative energy in your life being struck down and destroyed, just like the tower in the card.

  4. Say:
    “Tower tall, crumble down,
    Remove all darkness that’s around.
    Strike with lightning, clear the way,
    Let all negativity fall today.”

  5. As you say this, imagine the negative energy dissolving and fading away. Allow the candle to burn out, symbolizing the clearing of negativity.

5. Manifestation Spell with The Magician

Purpose: To manifest your goals and desires.
Card: The Magician.

How to Cast:

  1. The Magician is all about creation, willpower, and making things happen—ideal for a manifestation spell.

  2. Light a gold or yellow candle, colors associated with success and manifestation.

  3. Place The Magician card in front of the candle, and focus on your desired outcome. Be clear in your mind about what you want to manifest.

  4. Say:
    “Magician of power, bring it near,
    The goal I seek is crystal clear.
    By will and word, make it true,
    I call this power now to you.”

  5. Visualize your goal as if it has already come to pass. Feel the excitement of it becoming real. Once you’ve set your intention, let the candle burn for a while before extinguishing it.

Final Thoughts

Halloween is a time of magic and mystery, and using tarot cards in your spellwork can amplify your connection to the spiritual realm. Whether you’re seeking protection, boosting your intuition, or manifesting your desires, these simple tarot spells are perfect for tapping into the potent energy of Halloween. Let the cards guide you, and may your Halloween be filled with magic and insight!


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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