The Moon Tarot Card Meaning

Upright Keywords: reflection, changes, imagination, speculation, illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition
Reversed Keywords: inconstancy, risky, confusion, uncertainty, release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
The moon within a sun shines bright over the scene below. Two dogs (of opposing colors) both bark at the moon. A crayfish emerges from the water and looks to be heading down a path that leads between two pillars.
The Moon Tarot Card Meaning
You may be projecting fear and illusions onto your current situation based on your past experiences. Sometimes things may not be as they seem, so be careful not to make rash decisions at this time. Listen to your inner guidance to follow the path that aligns with your Highest Self. Don't take the situation at face value, use your intuition to really see the situation that your eyes may not be seeing.
This card is all about looking inside yourself. You may find inspiration, creativity and intuition hiding in there. These things are within us all, we just have to find them. Acknowledge your shadow thoughts and work through them, but don't let them overpower your light.
When this card shows up in a reading, it may be time to pay attention to the moon and align with its cycles. Set your intentions on the New Moon and honor your achievements on the Full Moon. During the Full Moon, also look at what you need to release to fully step into your light.

The Moon Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
You've been dealing with fear, illusions, and anxiety, but you have been working through them. You're now understand their lesson and how to free yourself from their limitations. Don't bury theses feeling, release them fully otherwise you may end up fighting them in a bigger way down the road when they can resurface.You may be just beginning your intuitive journey. You may be receiving guidance in the form of intuitive messages and psychic downloads, but you're not sure what they mean or what to do with them yet. The Moon is telling you that you need to slow down and really listen to your inner guidance. You know what they mean, otherwise your intuition wouldn't be giving you these signs. Take some time to meditate and really connect. You will be surprised at the answers that you receive when you stop fighting your intuition with logic.
Astrological: Pisces
Gemstones: Kyanite, labradorite, moonstone