The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

Upright Keywords: fate, destiny, serendipity, good luck, karma, life cycles, a turning point, transformation, transition, change, new beginnings, life lessons, patterns
Reversed Keywords: flux, unrest, mischance, misfortune, bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
A wheel sits in the middle of the card. In the center there are symbols, which are Hebrew letters for the letters YHVH (Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh) which is the unpronounceable name of God. They also stand for R-O-T-A, which is latin for wheel or if you continue the letters around the wheel it could be Tarot. It is also the same letters on the book which The High Priestess holds. The symbols in the inner circle are symbols for the alchemical elements of water, sulfur, mercury and salt.
Anubis, the God of the Underworld, a Sphinx, and a snake (The God of Evil, Typhon) circle the wheel. The snake represents the descent into the physical and material world. The Sphinx represents wisdom and knowledge.
On the clouds in the corner of the card, you have four winged creatures, which represent the 4 cardinal zodiac signs. The angel for Aquarius, the eagle is the evolved symbol for Scorpio, the lion is for Leo and the bull represents Taurus. Their wings give them stability amidst the change caused by the wheel. Each creature also holds a torah, representing wisdom.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning
Life is always changing and we go through cycles of good, bad, and normal. The wheel reminds us to cherish the good times and reminds us that "this too shall pass".
Be optimistic that that the Universe is taking of care of you and knows what you need. Keep an open mind to synchronicities and magic from the Universe.
Factors outside of your control are influencing the situation right now. You need to go with the flow instead of trying to control and change things.
This could also be a turning point in your life when things are about to change. This may be unexpected, and the new path unfamiliar. Tune into your Highest Self and let your intuition guide you.
The Wheel of Fortune Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When the card is reversed, it's about taking action on the negative situation that you may be in and working to make it better. Sometimes even going with flow requires actions. You need to take responsibility for the situation and learn from the situation to be able to move on. How could you have done things differently?Change is scary and when you begin to fight it, you create stress on yourself. You're trying to fight fate, or destiny. Accept the situation for what it is and things will begin to move forward. You will no longer be stuck in the same situation. You could also be ending a cycle of negative and heading towards a more positive time. You've accepted the situation and learned the lesson that it was meant to teach.. now you can move forward into the next cycle.
Astrological: Jupiter Gemstones: Smoky Quartz, Malachite, Black Tourmaline