Divination Julie Divination Julie

Scorpio in the Houses

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and is known for its intensity, depth, and passion. In astrology, the placement of Scorpio in the twelve houses of the birth chart can reveal insights into an individual's approach to intimacy, power, and transformation.

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Divination Julie Divination Julie

Capricorn in the Houses

Capricorn's placement in the houses suggests a drive for success, a strong work ethic, and a sense of responsibility and duty towards both their public and inner lives. They may approach their goals with a strategic and practical mindset, and may be willing to make sacrifices to achieve their ambitions.

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Divination, Astrology Julie Divination, Astrology Julie

Pisces in the Houses

The placement of Pisces in a specific house in an individual's birth chart can provide valuable insights into their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life experiences. Understanding the symbolism and energy associated with each house can help individuals harness their potential and overcome any challenges that arise along their life path. It's important to remember that astrology is a tool for self-discovery and growth, and that each individual has the power to shape their destiny through their actions and choices.

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Julie Julie

18 Signs Your Clairsentient

If you’ve ever wondered if you have psychic abilities, here are 18 signs that you might have the clairsentience ability. Clairsentience is the ‘clear feeling’ ability and is related to empaths and highly sensitive persons.

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