How to Use the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
A beginners guide to using the celtic cross tarot spread with card meanings and other helpful tips to get the most out of your tarot reading.
Higher Purpose Tarot Spread
This tarot spread can help shed light on the actions that you need to take to get in touch with your highest self and your higher purpose.
New Moon Tarot Spread
Use this New Moon tarot spread to help you set intentions to align your goals with your highest self.
Ostara Spring Equinox Tarot Spread
A tarot spread for the spring equinox (Ostara) which is a time of regrowth and regeneration. This tarot spread will help you determine what is old and dying and what you can nourish and nurture to bring good into your life.
9 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Reading Tarot Cards
If I were to start my tarot reading journey all over again, this is the advice that I would give to myself.
Wicca vs. Witchcraft: Unveiling Differences in Practice, Beliefs, and History
Let’s talk about the differences between Wicca and Witchcraft. if you think they’re the same- you’re wrong. They are two distinct paths that you can follow.
8 Misconceptions of Witchcraft
Witchcraft is commonly seen as being evil, or something to get attention. But most people don’t know the first thing about witchcraft, so let’s clear up some misconceptions and things that people get wrong about witchcraft.
8 Common Misconceptions of Wicca
Let’s clear up some of the misconceptions about Wicca. It’s not the same as witchcraft, but does include a lot of the same practices.
Open Your Third Eye: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
Your third eye is also known as your Pineal gland. Learn how your environment, food and water can influence your ability to open your third eye.