How to Learn Tarot Using Story Telling

When learning tarot, memorizing all 78 cards can be overwhelming. And then you have to learn 78 more meanings for the reversed card… I’ve been there.. more than once.

I came across the story telling method previously and assumed that it was for only authors or people wanting to write stories (because you can use tarot for that too ya know). Tarot storytelling is also a loved method by tarot superstar Rachel Pollack (78 Degrees of Wisdom and Tarot Wisdom author).

When I came across it again in Tarot Face to Face I decided to give it a try. Here is the method that they recommend.

This time I not only followed their instructions, but put a bit of my own spin on things.

The first time that I did this spread I did this in a upside down pyramid , but after doing this spread a few more times, I find that a circle (ish) works best because the story is about going out on a journey to bring back new knowledge to your previous situation. Like a spirit journey that shamans take to find their calling.


Make 3 piles.

Separate your deck into the 3 types of cards, major arcana, minor arcana and court cards.

Shuffle each separated pile and place them in a row.

The Journey

1.       Pull 1 card from each pile to start your story.

a.       The first card should be a court card. What kind of character are they and what kind of life do they lead?

b.       The second card should be a major. What changes in the characters life? What is their call to adventure?

c.       The third card is a minor. This is the nature of the characters refusal to go on the journey or engage with the major card previous.

2.       The next card could be a court card or a major (based on your preference). This card shows the character’s mentor. Who or what encourages change in the character?

3.       Pull a minor card. This card shows the first challenge that must be completed to enter into a higher place.

4.       Now pull 3 cards (each can be from any of the piles). These indicate the tests, allies and enemies that the character will encounter in the new situation they’re creating.

5.       A major is next. This shows the secret at the heart of the story, the revelation, or where the character encounters the problem (select a minor or major here) and gains rewards (select a minor or major here). What is the reward your character gained?

6.       On the way back to the start, the character crosses another threshold (minor), experiencing a transformation or resurrection. What is this transformation/ resurrection about?

7.       Finally the character returns home with a reward or gift to bring to her previous situation (major). What did they learn?

Journaling Prompts for the End of the Exercise:

1.       Who is your new character and how does she compare to the character who started this journey?

2.       How can you apply this story to someone’s life?

3.       Did this story answer the question/topic that you posed at the beginning of the reading? If yes, how? If no, why not? What’s missing? Could cards have been interpreted differently?

4.       How did you feel while you were telling the story? Did you feel confident in the cards and what their meanings?

5.       Did you enjoy telling the story or do you prefer more of a factual type of interpretation? Why?

6.       If you read for others, do you think they would enjoy more of a story or more factual? Why? How can you implement this activity into your readings/offerings?

Check Out Some Other Tarot Things:


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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