Elder Futhark Rune Guide

The Elder Futhark is the oldest runic alphabet used by Germanic tribes for writing, divination, and magical purposes. Consisting of 24 runes, each symbol holds its unique meaning, associations, and correspondences. Here is a detailed look into each rune of the Elder Futhark.

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1. Fehu (ᚠ)

Meaning: Wealth, Prosperity

In-Depth Meaning: Fehu represents movable wealth, such as cattle, which were central to the economy of ancient Germanic tribes. It symbolizes prosperity, abundance, and financial strength. In divination, Fehu often signifies new beginnings, financial gains, and successful ventures.

Reversed Meaning: Loss, failure, blocked energy

Associations: Cattle, Fertility

Element: Fire

Color: Red

Stone: Carnelian, Garnet

Tree: Elder, Hazel

Gods: Freyr, Freyja

Tarot: The Empress

Zodiac: Taurus

Herb: Nettle

2. Uruz (ᚢ)

Meaning: Strength, Health

In-Depth Meaning: Uruz signifies primal strength, endurance, and physical health. It is associated with the aurochs, a wild ox, embodying raw power and untamed nature. This rune can indicate a period of great physical and emotional vitality, personal growth, and healing.

Reversed Meaning: Weakness, lack of motivation, poor health

Associations: Aurochs (wild ox)

Element: Earth

Color: Dark Green

Stone: Bloodstone, Emerald

Tree: Birch

Gods: Thor

Tarot: The Strength

Zodiac: Aries

Herb: Burdock

3. Thurisaz (ᚦ)

Meaning: Giant, Protection

In-Depth Meaning: Thurisaz is linked to the giants (Thurses) in Norse mythology, representing forces of chaos and destruction. However, it also signifies protection and defense against adversaries. It is a rune of conflict, warning, and the need for caution. Thurisaz can also symbolize the power of breaking through obstacles and the transformative nature of facing challenges head-on.

Reversed Meaning: Danger, compulsion, defenselessness

Associations: Thorn, Resistance

Element: Fire

Color: Red

Stone: Amethyst

Tree: Hawthorn

Gods: Thor, Loki

Tarot: The Tower

Zodiac: Scorpio

Herb: Hawthorn

4. Ansuz (ᚨ)

Meaning: Communication, Wisdom

In-Depth Meaning: Ansuz represents divine inspiration, wisdom, and communication. It is associated with Odin, the chief of the gods, who sacrificed himself for knowledge of the runes. This rune highlights the importance of messages, insight, and the power of words. In readings, it can signify a revelation, guidance from higher powers, or the importance of clear communication.

Reversed Meaning: Miscommunication, deceit, misunderstanding

Associations: God, Mouth

Element: Air

Color: Blue

Stone: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire

Tree: Ash

Gods: Odin

Tarot: The Magician

Zodiac: Gemini

Herb: Clary Sage

5. Raidho (ᚱ)

Meaning: Journey, Movement

In-Depth Meaning: Raidho is the rune of travel, rhythm, and the journey of life. It emphasizes the importance of following the natural order and finding harmony in movement. Whether it refers to physical travel, a spiritual journey, or life’s cycles, Raidho encourages us to stay true to our path and embrace change with grace.

Reversed Meaning: Stagnation, obstacles, disruption

Associations: Wagon, Riding

Element: Air

Color: Blue

Stone: Turquoise

Tree: Oak

Gods: Thor

Tarot: The Chariot

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Herb: Mugwort

6. Kenaz (ᚲ)

Meaning: Torch, Enlightenment

In-Depth Meaning: Kenaz signifies illumination, knowledge, and the light of understanding. It represents the inner fire of creativity and transformation. This rune often points to a breakthrough, the discovery of hidden truths, or the kindling of new ideas. It is a reminder of the light that guides us through darkness.

Reversed Meaning: Lack of creativity, ignorance, darkness

Associations: Torch, Fire

Element: Fire

Color: Yellow

Stone: Citrine, Amber

Tree: Pine

Gods: Heimdall, Freyja

Tarot: The Hermit

Zodiac: Leo

Herb: Juniper

7. Gebo (ᚷ)

Meaning: Gift, Partnership

In-Depth Meaning: Gebo symbolizes the act of giving and the balance of exchange. It reflects generosity, partnerships, and mutual support. In relationships, it signifies harmony and union. Gebo reminds us of the importance of sharing and the reciprocal nature of interactions.

Reversed Meaning: Obligation, imbalance, selfishness

Associations: Gift, Generosity

Element: Air

Color: Pink

Stone: Rose Quartz

Tree: Elm

Gods: Odin

Tarot: The Lovers

Zodiac: Libra

Herb: Sweet Pea

8. Wunjo (ᚹ)

Meaning: Joy, Harmony

In-Depth Meaning: Wunjo stands for joy, happiness, and well-being. It represents moments of bliss and a sense of community and belonging. This rune encourages us to seek joy in our lives and to foster positive relationships. It is a symbol of peace and contentment.

Reversed Meaning: Sorrow, disharmony, alienation

Associations: Joy, Pleasure

Element: Air

Color: Light Blue

Stone: Diamond, Opal

Tree: Ash

Gods: Frigg, Odin

Tarot: The Sun

Zodiac: Cancer

Herb: Marigold

9. Hagalaz (ᚺ)

Meaning: Hail, Disruption

In-Depth Meaning: Hagalaz represents the destructive forces of nature, such as hailstorms. It signifies sudden changes, challenges, and disruptions. However, these forces can also lead to transformation and renewal. Hagalaz reminds us of the cyclical nature of life and the necessity of enduring hardships to grow stronger.

Reversed Meaning: Rebuilding, recovery, clarity

Associations: Hail, Wrath of Nature

Element: Water

Color: Black

Stone: Onyx, Obsidian

Tree: Ash

Gods: Hel

Tarot: The Tower

Zodiac: Scorpio

Herb: Yarrow

10. Nauthiz (ᚾ)

Meaning: Need, Constraint

In-Depth Meaning: Nauthiz embodies the concept of need, necessity, and limitations. It highlights challenges, restrictions, and the endurance required to overcome adversity. This rune teaches the value of perseverance and the lessons learned from hardship. It often points to inner strength and the resilience found in difficult times.

Reversed Meaning: Freedom, release, relief

Associations: Need, Distress

Element: Fire

Color: Dark Red

Stone: Garnet, Smoky Quartz

Tree: Beech

Gods: Nornir

Tarot: The Devil

Zodiac: Capricorn

Herb: Bindweed

11. Isa (ᛁ)

Meaning: Ice, Stillness

In-Depth Meaning: Isa represents stillness, ice, and stasis. It signifies a pause, a time of reflection, or obstacles that require patience. Isa encourages us to take a step back, to cool down, and to approach situations with calm and clarity. It is a reminder that stillness can be powerful and necessary for personal growth.

Reversed Meaning: Movement, thaw, change

Associations: Ice, Stillness

Element: Water

Color: White

Stone: Clear Quartz, Ice

Tree: Alder

Gods: Verdandi

Tarot: The Hanged Man

Zodiac: Pisces

Herb: Witch Hazel

12. Jera (ᛃ)

Meaning: Year, Harvest

In-Depth Meaning: Jera stands for the cycle of the year, harvest, and natural rhythms. It signifies rewards earned through hard work and patience. This rune embodies the concept of reaping what we sow and the importance of timing and cycles in life. It is a symbol of hope and the promise of fruitful outcomes.

Reversed Meaning: Delays, setbacks, missed opportunities

Associations: Year, Harvest

Element: Earth

Color: Orange

Stone: Topaz

Tree: Oak

Gods: Freyr

Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune

Zodiac: Virgo

Herb: Rosemary

13. Eihwaz (ᛇ)

Meaning: Yew Tree, Transformation

In-Depth Meaning: Eihwaz symbolizes the yew tree, associated with endurance, transformation, and protection. It represents the connection between life and death, highlighting the transformative power of facing our fears and embracing change. Eihwaz encourages resilience and the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles.

Reversed Meaning: Fear, stagnation, resistance to change

Associations: Yew Tree, Death

Element: Fire

Color: Dark Green

Stone: Yew, Labradorite

Tree: Yew

Gods: Odin

Tarot: The Death

Zodiac: Scorpio

Herb: Yew

14. Perthro (ᛈ)

Meaning: Mystery, Fate

In-Depth Meaning: Perthro represents mystery, fate, and the unknown. It is associated with hidden knowledge, secrets, and the unfolding of destiny. This rune encourages us to embrace uncertainty and to trust in the process of life. Perthro often signifies intuition, the occult, and the deeper aspects of existence.

Reversed Meaning: Secrets revealed, loss of control, bad luck

Associations: Cup, Womb

Element: Water

Color: Black

Stone: Obsidian, Moonstone

Tree: Beech

Gods: Norns

Tarot: The High Priestess

Zodiac: Scorpio

Herb: Mandrake

15. Algiz (ᛉ)

Meaning: Protection, Shield

In-Depth Meaning: Algiz is the rune of protection and defense. It symbolizes a shield, warding off danger and harm. This rune signifies the presence of a guardian or protective force, encouraging us to stay vigilant and to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It often indicates the need for caution and the power of protective measures.

Reversed Meaning: Vulnerability, danger, lack of protection

Associations: Elk, Shield

Element: Air

Color: White

Stone: Amethyst, Agate

Tree: Elm

Gods: Heimdall

Tarot: The Hierophant

Zodiac: Capricorn

Herb: Angelica

16. Sowilo (ᛊ)

Meaning: Sun, Success

In-Depth Meaning: Sowilo represents the sun, success, and victory. It embodies the life-giving energy of the sun, bringing clarity, joy, and positive outcomes. This rune is a symbol of triumph, personal achievement, and the power of positive thinking. It often heralds a time of success and the realization of goals.

Reversed Meaning: Failure, lack of direction, setbacks

Associations: Sun, Energy

Element: Fire

Color: Gold

Stone: Sunstone, Citrine

Tree: Oak

Gods: Sunna

Tarot: The Sun

Zodiac: Leo

Herb: St. John’s Wort

17. Tiwaz (ᛏ)

Meaning: Honor, Justice

In-Depth Meaning: Tiwaz represents honor, justice, and the warrior’s path. It is associated with the god Tyr, known for his bravery and sacrifice. This rune signifies fairness, courage, and the willingness to fight for what is right. It often points to legal matters, ethical dilemmas, and the importance of integrity.

Reversed Meaning: Injustice, dishonor, legal trouble

Associations: Spear, Warrior

Element: Air

Color: Red

Stone: Ruby, Carnelian

Tree: Oak

Gods: Tyr

Tarot: Justice

Zodiac: Libra

Herb: Thyme

18. Berkano (ᛒ)

Meaning: Birth, Growth

In-Depth Meaning: Berkano is the rune of birth, fertility, and growth. It symbolizes new beginnings, nurturing, and the cycles of life. This rune encourages care, protection, and the fostering of new ventures or relationships. In readings, it often indicates a time of personal or spiritual growth and the nurturing of new ideas.

Reversed Meaning: Stagnation, infertility, neglect

Associations: Birch Tree, Fertility

Element: Earth

Color: Green

Stone: Emerald, Moss Agate

Tree: Birch

Gods: Frigg

Tarot: The Empress

Zodiac: Cancer

Herb: Lady's Mantle

19. Ehwaz (ᛖ)

Meaning: Horse, Partnership

In-Depth Meaning: Ehwaz signifies movement, progress, and partnership. It is associated with the horse, symbolizing speed, trust, and a harmonious relationship between partners. This rune often highlights cooperation, teamwork, and mutual support in achieving common goals. It encourages trust and loyalty in relationships.

Reversed Meaning: Disharmony, mistrust, stagnation

Associations: Horse, Travel

Element: Earth

Color: Brown

Stone: Jade, Malachite

Tree: Ash

Gods: Freyr

Tarot: The Lovers

Zodiac: Gemini

Herb: Horehound

20. Mannaz (ᛗ)

Meaning: Humanity, Self

In-Depth Meaning: Mannaz represents humanity, the self, and the human condition. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, community, and cooperation. This rune encourages us to connect with others, to understand our place in the world, and to seek balance within ourselves. It often points to issues of identity and the need for self-reflection.

Reversed Meaning: Isolation, ego, disconnection

Associations: Man, Community

Element: Air

Color: Light Blue

Stone: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli

Tree: Ash

Gods: Heimdall

Tarot: The World

Zodiac: Aquarius

Herb: Sage

21. Laguz (ᛚ)

Meaning: Water, Flow

In-Depth Meaning: Laguz stands for water, intuition, and the flow of life. It symbolizes the unconscious mind, emotions, and the natural ebb and flow of energies. This rune encourages us to trust our intuition, to go with the flow, and to embrace the fluidity of life. It often indicates a time of emotional growth and the need to listen to our inner voice.

Reversed Meaning: Emotional turmoil, blockage, stagnation

Associations: Water, Lake

Element: Water

Color: Blue

Stone: Moonstone, Amethyst

Tree: Willow

Gods: Njord

Tarot: The Moon

Zodiac: Pisces

Herb: Willow

22. Ingwaz (ᛝ)

Meaning: Fertility, Completion

In-Depth Meaning: Ingwaz represents fertility, completion, and the seed of potential. It is associated with the god Ing, symbolizing inner growth, transformation, and the fruition of ideas. This rune often signifies the completion of a cycle, the birth of new beginnings, and the nurturing of creativity. It encourages us to cultivate our inner potential and to prepare for new ventures.

Reversed Meaning: Unfinished business, lack of progress, delay

Associations: Seed, Earth

Element: Earth

Color: Green

Stone: Peridot, Aventurine

Tree: Apple

Gods: Freyr

Tarot: The Star

Zodiac: Taurus

Herb: Clover

23. Dagaz (ᛞ)

Meaning: Day, Awakening

In-Depth Meaning: Dagaz stands for day, awakening, and new beginnings. It symbolizes the dawning of a new day, enlightenment, and a fresh start. This rune often indicates a major transformation, a breakthrough, or a moment of clarity. It encourages us to embrace change, to awaken to new possibilities, and to trust in the light of new beginnings.

Reversed Meaning: Darkness, delay, confusion

Associations: Dawn, Awakening

Element: Fire

Color: Light Blue

Stone: Opal, Diamond

Tree: Spruce

Gods: Baldur

Tarot: The Sun

Zodiac: Aries

Herb: Lavender

24. Othala (ᛟ)

Meaning: Heritage, Ancestry

In-Depth Meaning: Othala represents heritage, ancestry, and the legacy of our forebears. It emphasizes the importance of family, cultural roots, and inherited values. This rune often signifies a connection to our past, the strength of our lineage, and the importance of preserving our heritage. It encourages us to honor our roots and to recognize the value of our cultural inheritance.

Reversed Meaning: Alienation, loss of heritage, separation

Associations: Homeland, Inheritance

Element: Earth

Color: White

Stone: Onyx, Garnet

Tree: Pine

Gods: Odin

Tarot: The Hierophant

Zodiac: Capricorn

Herb: Vervain


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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