How to Do a Simple Palm Reading

Hey guys! You’ve  been asking for more on palmistry, so I put together this post with some basics and hopefully you'll be able to know more about a person, or yourself, with just a handshake and eyeballing a few fingers. 

I chose to start with the hand reading because it gives you a nice overview of the personality of the person and it’s something that you can do without most people even noticing. You don’t have to ask to see their palm, you can just observe their hands from a distance to learn about the person. 

Even Alexander the Great would use palmistry as a way to gauge the character of his troops, so why not use this info to gauge the character of those that you spend time with?

By the way, if you want to know more about the history of palmistry, I put the link to my video on that in the description.

So let’s get into it.

Finger Overview

We are first going to be looking at the fingers. There are things like the length of the fingers in relation to the length of the palm and the characteristics of the knuckles that can tell you more about someone.


Short and Stumpy Fingers


When you look at the hand, are the fingers short and stumpy in relation to the rest of the palm?

If so, this is likely someone who acts on their more primal instincts. This isn’t someone who is overly emotional or logical. They act like they’re living in survival mode all the time. They might even seem a bit more stressed out with a lot of stimulation or choices.


Fingers are About Equal Length


If the length of the fingers and palm are about equal, then this is likely someone who's more of a go-getter, they’re very smart and come from a family of people like them… think about families of doctors and lawyers.


Fingers are Longer than the Palm


If the fingers are thin and longer than the palm, this is your bookworm. These types are likely to find themselves studying or lost in their own thoughts. They’re the scientists, researchers, philosophers, and big-picture people. They’re looking to cure cancer or come up with a way for us to live on Mars.


Pronounced Knuckles


This is doubly true if the person’s knuckles or joints are more pronounced. The bigger the knuckle the bigger the brain. (See! Size DOES matter)

But if your long-fingered friend has smooth fingers that aren’t very knuckle-y then they’re more likely to be an artist, designer, or creative of sorts. They’re more impulsive than the person with pronounced knuckles and don’t do well in situations where structure and control are important.

Finger Details

Now that we've covered the overall size of the fingers and their relation to the palm, let's dive into each finger individually and how the fingers compare to each other.

The Pointer Finger

The pointer finger is known as the dictator and the finger of ambition.


Pointer and Middle Fingers about the Same Length


If it's about as long as the middle finger, then you can expect someone who is large and in charge. They handle being in positions of power and control with ease and seem to handle the stress of managing others without the stress.

If this finger is long and crooked, be on guard- they’re ambitious and likely out for what you have and will dig up your dirty laundry to get what they want. Think about politicians and elections where they're not out to bolster themselves, but out to tear others down.


Pointer Finger Shorter than Middle Finger


If the pointer finger is shorter than the middle finger, this person is always just barely doing what they need to do to get by. They don’t handle power and control very well. This is the low effort kind of person who only wants to do the bare minimum that they have to.

The Middle Finger


Straight and Well Shaped Middle Finger


Moving onto the middle finger... if it's straight and well-shaped, this person has a very serious demeanor. Your jokes might not seem to phase this person and they might seem a little on the depressed/ unemotional side. They might be that very flat personality friend who just does the things without any real emotion.


Crooked Middle Finger


But if the middle finger is crooked, then this person is going to have a lot of splaining to do. They always seem to find themselves in the weirdest situations and they have no idea what they did to get themselves into it in the first place. These people may find themselves struggling a little bit to figure out why all these weird things keep happening to them.

The Third Finger


Ring finger is shorter than the middle finger


When its super long and straight, like longer than the middle finger almost, the person craves glory, celebrity status, and publicity. They’re the actors, politicians, public speakers. This isn’t someone who wants to be on the sidelines. They want to be center stage, all eyes on them. Think big Leo energy. That bold, outgoing personality. 


Ring Finger is Crooked


If the ring finger is crooked instead of straight, the craving for glory is only intensified and they might be a bit money hungry. They love spending money and having nice things, but they don't care about the cost, only the status that comes with owning the things. They might even have a gambling habit. This is not someone that you wanna lend your credit card to or hire as your accountant. 

The Pinky

The pinky tells us about our style of communication and is considered long if the tip of the pinky passes the nail bed of the ring finger. Those with a long pinky are amazing at speaking, they always know what to say and are able to easily command a room. 


Long Pinky Finger


But if it’s short, you might think this person is an introvert because they’re not very good at expressing themselves. They tend to be more quiet, but they may love to write. They find that writing is much easier than speaking and may have dreams of being an author or writer of sorts. 


Short Pinky Finger


Now if the pinky is crooked, their behavior is emphasized. Someone with a long and crooked pinky would make an amazing criminal or politician. They will tell you anything that you want to hear to get what they want. They’re amazing liars. But someone with a short and crooked pinky will find themselves wanting a lot more "me time" and may get lost in their writing.


Crooked Pinky Finger


Before we move onto the thumb, let’s discuss a few of the comparisons between the fingers for a minute.

  • If the Pointer and Ring finger are 100% equal in length, then it indicates a very balanced mind. This is pretty rare to find, but you may know someone like this.

  • If the finger joints are really flexible and turn backwards or out from the palm center, also known as being double jointed, this person is clever and has a quick wit, but they lack focus on the bigger goals. They’re always flitting around from one thing to another, never really settling on long term goals. 

  • If the finger curves inwards toward the palm, the person may be a slow learner, but they make up for that by never forgetting anything they learn. They have the memory of an elephant. 

The Thumb

A well made thumb is the outward expression of a strong willed and determined person. 

The longer the thumb is, the more control over their actions or discipline the person has.

On the flip side, if the thumb is on the shorter side, the person is more likely to always be grinding away at something, but never really going anywhere.. know anyone like that? Always working on something to get ahead, but they never seem to get ahead?

If so, try to catch a glimpse at their thumb. 

Moving onto the joints and the shape of the thumb...

If the thumb is shaped more like a club, short and thick set, the person is a hot head. Their temper is likely to get the best of them more often than not. They don’t have much in the way of self control. It's been dubbed the “murderer’s thumb” because so many people who have committed crimes of passion have this thumb shape. 

With that I feel I need to say that just because someone has a certain thumb shape doesn't make them a bad person. There are a lot of other factors that go into someones personality, and this is just one of those factors.


Long and thin thumb


Now if the top of the thumb is long and thin, it tells the opposite story. This is a person with a lot of self control over their emotions. They’re able to easily manage people and get people to do what needs to be done. 

The Thumb Joints

Let's now take a look at the thumb joints starting from the top of the thumb.


Thumb bends backwards


If the top joint of your thumb bends backward, like being double jointed, the person is generous, adaptable, extravagant, but more often than not will end up not following through with their commitments. 

Moving down the thumb, we look at the space between the two joints in the middle. If it’s shaped like an hourglass it indicates tact, diplomacy and gentleness. They’re very subtle when they argue and may get you to agree with them before you even realize it. 

But if the space is the same thickness as the top of the thumb, this person is very blunt. You won’t have to read between the lines with this person. They tell is like it is.


Tied in thumb


When the thumb looks like it’s “tied in” to the hand, like it’s really close and looks kinda squished, this person is easily frightened by people and situations and likely has a lot of anxiety problems. They’re narrow-minded in their view of things and tend to be stingy with money. They’d rather be a scrooge McDuck, swimming in gold and hated by everyone. 

In contrast, if the thumb sticks out from the hand, almost at a right angle, this person is likely to go to extremes in whatever they do. And I don’t just mean like OCD extreme.. I’m talking about fanatical levels of extreme. The true conspiracy theorist with tin foil hat and all. Again, take this as part of the picture, not the whole picture.

If your thumb is stiff-jointed and none of the joints are double-jointed, the person may have a hard time adapting to situations and may seem stand off-ish when meeting new people. They’re more likely to say no first when asked to do something, but once they’ve given it some thought, they might come around. This isn’t a person who can be forced or coerced into doing something. Peer pressure won’t work here. But the good thing about this type of person is that once they let you in, they’re amazing friends; Very reliable and not super extravagant either.

The Feel of the Hands

Now that we’ve talked about each of the fingers and how they relate to the palm as a whole, let’s talk about the hand as a whole. Like what can you tell about a person just from a handshake? 

A lot of time has gone into the science of body language since the art of palmistry came about, so most of what we are going to talk about next may be things that you’ve heard before or may just give you the feeling of “no duh”.

But you have to remember that palmistry was considered a science back in ancient times. And we’ve done a lot of studying since then but there’s a handful of different things that you can notice about someone's hand just from a handshake, so let’s talk about them.

The Hand Shake

If the handshake is strong with a good firm grip, the person is self-confident, energetic and generally reliable.

But if the person’s hand is ‘slippery’ like it's really hard to get a good grasp on their hand, the same thing can be said of their personality. They’ve got a lot of slimy qualities about them. They can be deceptive and see others as a means to an end.

How Do The Hands Feel?

If their hand is soft and fat, they lean towards the lazy side of life. They’re likely fond of finding shortcuts and half-assing things. But on the other hand, if their hand is firm, as opposed to squishy and soft, they’re reliable and full of energy.

If the hand is thin, they’re prone to anxiety and never really happy. If it’s thin and feels kind of frail with a weak grip, this person is barely holding onto this world. They’re the kind of person who only has barely enough energy to make it through the day.

Those with cold and clammy hands are generally very anxious people. So much so that it may be affecting their health, or vice versa.. they’re anxious because of their health.. or if you are truly an anxious person.. the anxiety that causes the health problems makes you anxious about the health problems… 

Where Do They Keep Their Hands?

If they keep their hands close to their body while talking, they’re not very reliable, to themselves or to others and they’re more likely to be untrusting of other people. They like to keep things close to the vest. You can compare this to someone who is ok with taking up a little more ‘personal space’ or have a bigger bubble to give them space to emote about life.

Similarly, if the person is also twisting their fingers together, or it feels like the fingers are ‘sticking’ together, this person might have a tendency for sticky fingers. Things might be “rehomed” at their house more often than other places… get my drift?

So there you have it.. a quick and dirty palm reading that you can do on just about every person that you meet. 

Let me know down in the comments if you want to get into what the lines on your palm might mean and I will be sure to make that for you!


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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