The Lovers 6/15 Tarot Birth Card Pattern

Here is my personal interpretation of the Tarot Birth Card Theme of The High Priestess and how it relates to finding Balance through Intuitive Awareness. If you have come across this page and you haven't learned what your tarot birth cards are and how it relates to this pattern, head over to the main post on In Depth Tarot Birth Cards.

Tarot Card Pattern: The Lovers

How the Pattern is Found

The Lovers: Key 6

6= 1+5

The Devil: Key 15



The Lovers (VI)

The Lovers card represents union, love, and harmony. It signifies deep connections and choices that align with one's values and desires. This card emphasizes the importance of relationships, be they romantic, familial, or platonic, and the deep bonds that form through mutual respect and understanding. The Lovers card also highlights the significance of personal choices, urging an alignment with one's true self and higher purpose.

Key Themes:

  • Union and partnerships

  • Love and harmony

  • Important choices and alignment with values

  • Deep emotional connections

The Devil (XV)

The Devil card, on the other hand, represents bondage, temptation, and the darker aspects of human nature. It highlights the struggles with materialism, addiction, and the feeling of being trapped in a situation or mindset. The Devil serves as a reminder of the challenges one must overcome to achieve true freedom and authenticity. It calls for an examination of the illusions and dependencies that hold one back.

Key Themes:

  • Bondage and restriction

  • Temptation and materialism

  • Confrontation with the shadow self

  • Breaking free from illusions

Combined Meaning

The combination of The Lovers and The Devil creates a powerful dynamic that encompasses the themes of love, choice, temptation, and liberation. This pair suggests a journey from the bliss of harmonious connections to the challenges posed by darker, more binding influences. It invites a deep examination of relationships and the choices made within them, acknowledging both the beauty and the potential pitfalls.

In this combination, The Lovers card encourages making choices based on love and authenticity, while The Devil warns of the temptations and traps that can arise when desires are misaligned. Together, they highlight the necessity of balancing pure intentions with the awareness of potential negative influences. This combination calls for an honest assessment of one’s relationships and inner conflicts, urging the seeker to strive for a life that is both loving and free from unnecessary bondage.

Key Messages:

  • Strive for harmonious relationships while being aware of potential pitfalls.

  • Make choices that align with your true values and desires.

  • Recognize and confront the darker aspects of your nature.

  • Seek to free yourself from unhealthy attachments and illusions.

By integrating the lessons of both The Lovers and The Devil, one can navigate the complexities of relationships and personal desires, ultimately achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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