How to Combine Tarot and Astrology

Pretty much everyone knows what their sun sign is and has probably read their horoscope in the news at some point.

You might even know what your moon and rising signs are.

But how do these astrology signs connect with tarot cards?

A Little Background...

Tarot can be linked back to a card game in Europe in the 1500s or so. Astrology can be linked to multiple cultures around the world as far back as we have records. It’s no wonder it continuously shows up.. If you have been following along with the Finding Your Soul series, this is the third installment. If you haven’t checked out the first two, you can do so below:

In Depth Tarot Birth Cards

Tarot Year Cards

So let’s get started..

Each zodiac sign can be linked to a few different tarot cards. You can use each of these cards to help you on your path to finding your soul purpose.

To start, find your sun sign on the chart below and have a look at the corresponding tarot card. I have included the dates for each sing as well in case you need them.

You should be familiar with some of the qualities of your zodiac sign, but if you aren’t, have a search around google to gain more insight.

How do the energies of your zodiac sign mix with the energies of the tarot card?

Do you notice that both Aries and the Emperor are fiery, authority figures?

Or that Virgos are very introspective, like the Hermit?

Zodiac Sign Tarot Card Dates

Zodiac Sign Dates Tarot Card
Aries March 21-April 20 Emperor
Taurus April 21 - May 20 Hierophant
Gemini May 21 - June 20 The Lovers
Cancer June 21 - July 21 The Chariot
Leo July 21 - August 22 Strength
Virgo August 23 - September 22 The Hermit
Libra September 23 - October 22 Justice
Scorpio October 23 - November 22 Death
Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 Temperance
Capricorn December 22 - January 19 The Devil
Aquarius January 20 - February 18 The Star
Pisces February 19 - March 20 The Moon

If your wondering where the remaining major arcana are they correspond to the 7 planets.

This gives us 12 zodiac correspondences, 7 planetary correspondences and The Fool is left out of the sequence as it is the card that journeys through all of them.

The Zodiac Decans

Taking it a step further, you can break down each zodiac sign into 3 sections, called decans. Each of the decans are correspond to a minor arcana card which allow you to go more in depth in your birth chart.

The 3 minor arcana cards that are listed in your sign will tell you the lessons and opportunities that you will encounter in this life.

Destiny Card

Once you have found the 3 cards that represent your lessons and opportunities, you can get a little more specific by finding your Destiny Card.

Your Destiny Card indicates the natural impulses, desires and reactions that you have that come natural to you. You didn’t necessarily learn them from someone.. it’s just how you do.

From the zodiac chart above, find the tarot card that is for your actual birthday. This is your destiny card.

Court Cards- Your Personality

Lastly, we have the personality cards that are based on your sun, moon and rising signs. These cards tell you more about your personality and the persona that you portray to the world.

The court cards represent different personalities, which tell us how we are showing up in the world.

First, you need to know your sun, moon and rising signs. Don’t worry, if you don’t know what they are, you can find them on Café Astrology or any other astrology site offering a free birth chart. You will need to know your birth time and location for the greatest accuracy.

Next, you want to link up your 3 signs with the chart below. If you have found different correspondences to the court cards than I have below, then use your own.

Zodiac Sign Court Cards

Zodiac Sign Tarot Card
Aries Queen of Wands
Taurus King of Pentacles
Gemini Knight of Swords
Cancer Queen of Cups
Leo King of Wands
Virgo Knight of Pentacles
Libra Queen of Swords
Scorpio King of Cups
Sagittarius Knight of Wands
Capricorn Queen of Pentacles
Aquarius King of Swords
Pisces Knight of Cups

 The card that represents your:

  • Sun sign is your personal potential card. This card tells you what your greatest potential in this lifetime is. What you are here to aspire to. This court card will show you the personality and the achievements of your accomplishments.

  • Moon sign is your inner teacher card. Think of this like the card of your intuition. Your inner guide has something to teach you in this life. What type of personality does this teacher have? What could this personality type teach you?

  • Rising sign is your external expression. This is the mask that you put on for the world. What are the traits of the mask that you wear? How does this mask differ from your soul and personality cards that you previously calculated?

I hope that you have enjoyed learning more about yourself with this post.

Let me know below if you think that the minor arcana cards for your sun, moon, and rising signs feel accurate.


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.

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The Lovers 6/15 Tarot Birth Card Pattern