How to Manifest Success Tarot Spread
The Earned Success Tarot Spread is designed to unlock the secrets of achieving the success you've been dreaming of. This empowering spread is tailored to illuminate the steps you need to take, the challenges you might face, and the resources you have at your disposal to reach your goals. Whether your goals lie in your career, personal projects, or any area of life where you seek success, this spread serves as your guide to navigating the journey ahead.
How to Celebrate Lughnasadh or Lammas
What is lughnasadh or lammas? Lughnasadh is one of the ancient celtic festivals that has survived through the years and is one the four main pagan sabbats.
Empress, The World and the Hanged Man 3/12/21 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
The Empress, The Hanged Man and The World tarot cards are all part of the Empress Pattern when reading your tarot birth card. By seeing multiple viewpoints, you are able to bring together creative ways to deal with problems which allows you to surrender control.
Strength and The Star 8/17 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
The Strength and Star tarot cards are part of the Strength Pattern of tarot birth cards. Your inspiration, faith, and generous heart will cause others to follow your lead. Leadership isn't about controlling others, its about mastering yourself and setting the example.
Emperor and Death 4/13 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
The control and stability of The Emperor tarot card are needed to guide the transformations of Death and The Fool as you move through life with this tarot birth card pattern.
Hermit and The Moon 9/18 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
Finding your path in life can be hard when you have to fight through your own illusions. Learning how to know the difference between the veil you place to hide and the truth of your soul gives you a different perspective. This is the essence of the Hermit and Moon tarot birth cards.
How to Find Your Purpose with Tarot Birth Cards
Learning what your tarot birth card is can help you understand your purpose and what you are meant to do. Not really destiny, but more like a theme for your life. Birth Cards in tarot are just the start to the journey of self discovery with tarot.
The Magician 1/10/19 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
The birth card pattern that includes the Sun, The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician tarot cards is one that says screams you have the power to change your surroundings and create the happiness that you desire, but it’s a process. And one that is not to be rushed.
What is a Tarot Deck and How Does It Work?
Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that can be used for divination and fortune telling or for personal growth. Most tarot readers use the cards both ways.