The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning
The Hierophant is the teacher who prefers to be traditional and color within the lines of life. He does not like to be unique, but to follow who came before him.
The Fool Tarot Card Meaning
The Fool tarot card is the beginning, the start from nothing. This is the tarot card of pure potential. As he walks on the cliff, his head is held high, looking up like he doesn’t have a care in the world…
The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning
The Lovers is a card about the primordial choice that we as humans have to make. Do we follow our passion and our heart, or do we follow logic and our brain?
The Devil Tarot Card Meaning
The Devil tarot card is about restrictions and addictions. What is holding you down from being who you were meant to be?
The Moon Tarot Card Meaning
The Moon tarot card bring the darkness. The darkness allows illusions to take place right before your eyes. Can you see what is real and what is an illusion?
Seasonal Herbs and Their Magical Properties for Beginner Witches
Here I discuss the magical properties of common herbs that are used in spellwork by witches- beginner and advanced.
Solar Eclipse Tarot Spreads
Solar eclipses are a time when the energy of the sun is hidden for a moment and we are shown the full depth of the hidden shadow self. Try out this tarot spread for the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.
How to Use the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
A beginners guide to using the celtic cross tarot spread with card meanings and other helpful tips to get the most out of your tarot reading.
Higher Purpose Tarot Spread
This tarot spread can help shed light on the actions that you need to take to get in touch with your highest self and your higher purpose.