The Chariot 16/7 Tarot Birth Card Pattern
Constant change throughout your life allows you to master many situations. This mastery gives you a self confidence that shines when you need it most. The Chariot and The Tower tarot cards bring this birth card pattern of upheaval and movement down to earth and allow you to adapt easier to new and forever changing situations.
Justice Tarot Card Meaning
Justice is a tarot card in the major arcana that signifies the balance of good and evil. Typically the balance is between intutiion and logic.
The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning
The Hermit tarot card tells you that it's time to go on a journey, more specifically a bit of internal soul searching. A time to withdraw from society.
The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning
The Chariot tarot card can symbolize success and vitory if you stick to the current path, or it could also mean that there is travel over water.
Strength Tarot Card Meaning
The Strength tarot card is about mastering your environment and yourself. The better control that you have over these things, the easier things are.
The Empress Tarot Card Meaning
The Empress is the queen, the mother. She is creativity and bringing thoughts and ideas into the material realm.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning
The High Priestess is about our intuition and subconscious mind. She is the guardian of the hidden knowledge that we seek inside of ourselves. She is also the water that flows through the major arcana tarot cards.
Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meaning- Initiative
The Ace of Wands is the most passionate of the aces. How can this ace bring more passion and energy into your life?