Divination in Witchcraft: Exploring Tarot, Runes, and Beyond

Divination has captivated human curiosity for centuries, with its promise of peering into the future or unraveling hidden truths. In the world of witchcraft, divination plays a significant role, guiding practitioners in their magical journeys and everyday decisions. While tarot and runes are among the most well-known forms of divination, there's a wide variety of tools and techniques that we witches use. Let's dive into some popular divination methods and explore how they're used in modern witchcraft.

Tarot: The Cards That Tell a Story

Tarot is arguably one of the most recognized forms of divination. It consists of a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery and symbolism. The deck is divided into the Major Arcana, which represents significant life events and spiritual themes, and the Minor Arcana, which reflects everyday experiences.

Witches use tarot for various purposes, from gaining insight into a problem to exploring personal growth and understanding the energies at play in a given situation. Tarot readings can be simple one-card draws or complex spreads that tell an entire story. The key is to interpret the cards' meanings in the context of the question or situation.

To learn more about tarot cards and how to read tarot cards, check out the tarot section on my website or grab your own tarot deck from the shop.

Runes: Ancient Symbols with Modern Meaning

Runes are another popular form of divination in witchcraft. Originating from ancient Germanic and Norse cultures, runes are a set of symbols with unique meanings. They were traditionally used for writing, but they also have magical and divinatory purposes.

A typical set of runes consists of 24 symbols, known as the Elder Futhark. Witches use runes by casting them and interpreting the symbols that come up. Each rune has a specific meaning, and their combinations can offer insights into questions about the future, relationships, or personal development.

You can check out my guide on Runes here.

Scrying: Gazing into the Unseen

Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into reflective surfaces to gain insights or visions. Witches use various tools for scrying, such as crystal balls, mirrors, or bowls of water. The idea is to relax the mind and let the visions come naturally.

Scrying is often used to connect with one's intuition or tap into spiritual guidance. It's a more intuitive form of divination, where the images or symbols seen during scrying are interpreted based on personal intuition and the context of the question.

Pendulums: Yes or No with a Swing

Pendulum divination involves a weighted object, often a crystal or metal pendant, suspended on a chain or string. The pendulum is used to answer yes or no questions based on its movement—swinging in a certain direction for "yes" and another for "no."

Witches use pendulums for quick answers or to check their intuition. It's a simple yet effective tool for divination, but it requires a steady hand and a clear mind to avoid influencing the pendulum's movement.

Other Forms of Divination

In addition to these popular methods, there are many other forms of divination that witches use:

Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseography): This involves reading the patterns formed by tea leaves at the bottom of a cup. Each shape or symbol has a specific meaning. You can find a really cool tea leaf reading kit on Amazon. I’ve thought about picking it up, but it hasn’t wuite made it to my cart yet.

Wrapping It Up

Divination in witchcraft offers a fascinating glimpse into the unseen and helps witches navigate their spiritual paths. Whether you're drawn to tarot, runes, scrying, or any other form of divination, the key is to approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Each method has its own unique charm, and there's always something new to discover.


Fae is the host of the podcast The Faerellia Files where she discusses all things unearthly and unsolved. If you like haunted places, unsolved mysteries, conspiracies, and true crime you can find her on Youtube and Spotify.

She also runs a spirituality blog where she writes about topics such as witchcraft, tarot, and new age spirituality topics.


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Elder Futhark Rune Guide