The Magician Tarot Card Meaning
The Magician is the first creator. He brings thoughts into existence, ideas into reality. He is the manifestor who will help you manifest your destiny.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is the 10th card in the major arcana and marks the end of the physical part of the journey and the beginning of the spiritual.
Temperance Tarot Card Meaning
Tarot Key 14 is Temperance and like the Justice tarot card, Temperance tells us that we need to add balance to our life, or to bring our life back into balance.
How to Find the Cause of Depression and Anxiety with a Tarot Spread
A tarot spread to help recover from anxiety and depression. Both of these mental states can cause you to stop being your highest self. When this happens, you begin attracting negative energy into your life. See how you can stop bringing more negative energy into you life and start feeling better using this tarot spread as your guide. #tarotspread
The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning
The Emperor is the father figure of the tarot. He brings structure and control to our lives and lets us know that through this structure we can thrive.